If You Think COVID 19 is just Another Flu, You MUST Read This.

Certain COVID patients lie in bed, staring at an open coffin leaning against the hospital room wall.

Doc Jay, MD
3 min readNov 19, 2020
Covid 19, coronavirus, covid deaths, what does covid feel like
Photo by Rhodi Lopez on Unsplash

Somehow they know the grave is calling.

Each of them was breathless and had an itchy chest discomfort despite all objective measures looking good.

Let me attempt to illustrate with a long-winded simile.

Picture this. You’re out on the lake boat with a few friends, enjoying the warm weather, sipping beer. The sun reflects off the water, shining in your eyes, blinding you momentarily, but the boat hits a small wave. You stumble, but instead of regaining your footing, you trip, falling face-first into the water.

You start swimming toward the surface when you feel a small nip at your heel. Then another. Then a few at a time inching up your leg, each one like a pinch or needle prick.

Covid 19, coronavirus, covid deaths, what does covid feel like
Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash

You look down and see small fish taking ant-sized bites out of your flesh. These miniature piranhas won’t kill or maim you quickly. But you and only you know how disturbing this feeling is. You know your…



Doc Jay, MD

🩺Doctor by trade 📝Writer by habit 💁🏽‍♂️Helper by obsession. Man of 1,000 failures. Self Improvement blog: Thedoctorsorders.info